Simple Things You Can Do to Improve Memory and Cognition

It certainly is worrying to realize that you sometimes lack focus levels and that your memory power isn’t as great as it used to be. Nevertheless, there is no need to panic because most of the time, all you need to improve on are the small things in your daily life 

Watch your Diet

According to experts, there are a couple of foods and ingredients that may help in increased brain performance, particularly where memory power and attention spans are concerned. Additionally, there are a number of foods you may need to eliminate from your diet, especially if you are consuming them regularly.

Foods rich in antioxidants apparently, are great for your brain. Inflammation in your body is more or less the key culprit of lowered brain performance. Antioxidants from fruit and veggies can reduce inflammation, thereby supporting better brain function. Also consider indulging in cocoa as well as certain types of teas. These have anti-inflammatory properties and are great, too.  

On the other hand, sugar and refined carbs are some of the things you would want to eliminate or at least, try and limit as much as you could. The more you consume, the more negative effects they can have on brain and overall health. Experts say you need to limit your alcohol intake, and quit smoking if you do.

Consider Supplements

Some supplements are believed to be quite beneficial when it comes to improving brain health and cognition. Consider a fish oil supplement for a start – it has proven to have numerous health benefits in addition to improved mental performance.

Supplements like lion’s mane mushroom are also believed to have amazing health benefits, more particularly on mental and cognitive performances. Speak to experts for advice and insight, and look for products that are recommended. 


The benefits of meditation aren’t unheard of. It is simply amazing in a number of ways, and you surely start feeling great while properly engaged. As for mental performance, meditation has proven to be one of the greatest things. Meditation helps the mind relax, and the benefits of this type of relaxation certainly goes a long way. 

Practice Mindfulness

Unlike what most think, mindfulness is not the same as meditation, although you do practice mindfulness while you meditate. You can practice mindfulness throughout the day while engaged in daily activities.

Mindfulness means staying focussed on a certain activity you do and preventing your mind from wandering. While you do so, you engage in and focus on your breathing, which, altogether, helps prevent feelings of restlessness or perturb. This again, helps increase focus levels and perform better, mentally.  

Sleep Well

7-8 hours of sleep is not all you need to feel well and perform better. You need to know what to adopt and what to avoid when it comes to sleep. Putting away your electronic gadgets and putting out the lights way before you actually go to bed are some of the things you must practice quite seriously. If you wake up in the morning not feeling rested and fresh, you need to see what needs to be fixed. 

Do Some Brain Training

Little quizzes and word games are not just fun, but great for your brain. Don’t hesitate to solve tougher ones, once in a way – the more you tease your brain, the better its performance gets. 


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